This work was created as part of the "Google UX design" course.
I'm creating a new art history app for an art gallery for people who want to study art history from anywhere. I hope to create conveniently structured information to make it easy and interesting for users to learn about history.
People 21-43 years old who are interested in art.
December 2021- to January 2022.
Users interested in art history do not have the opportunity to study history in a structured way.
Developing an art history app for an art gallery where people can easily navigate history and track their learning progress.
I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand users and identify their needs. The main group of users identified in the study were people 21-43 years old who are interested in art.
This user group confirmed initial assumptions about the difficulty of learning about art history due to a lack of structured information, and also noted other concerns.
Other user concerns included that people would like to study paintings without coming to a gallery. It also emerged that users felt insecure when they came to galleries unprepared.
The user does not find structured information to easily navigate through the various works.
The user lacks time orientation for a clear understanding of art history.
Users do not always have the opportunity and desire to go to the museum.
Not every user can easily study large amounts of text.
Kate is 24 years old and lives in Moscow with her husband. She trained as an architect and now works as a designer-illustrator. Kate paints and loves to go to the gallery for new impressions and inspiration. She would like to learn more about artists' painting techniques. Also, she would like to learn about historical events of the period of painting in addition to information about the artist. However, Kate gets tired of walking around the museum for a long time, and she does not like crowds of people.
By taking the time to compileiteration of each screenapplication on paper, ensuredthat the elements that went intointo the digital sketches wouldwere well-adapted to address thepain points. For the mainscreen, I gave preference to categories so that the user could immediately select the style, era, or artist of interest.
Check out the prototype low-fidelity Art history app for an art gallery.
I conducted moderated research among 5 participants. Participants tested the prototype in Figma and reported their results.
Users want to merge categories with the homepage.
Users revealed that the line with epochs is not intuitive.
Users need an optimized interface for the epoch filtering feature.
Users want to track their learning progress.
Users want to be able to rate picture thumbnails.
After doing my research, I merged the category tab with the home page. I also found that the epoch panel was awkward, so I replaced it with tumblr. Subsequent research showed that this solution was convenient.
A second usability study showed that users would like to see artists creating in a certain style, so, I added a corresponding button.
Introducing the final Art History prototype for an art gallery. The prototype met the needs of users with listening and reading functions, as well as viewing paintings with the ability to track learning progress.
Check out a high-quality prototype Art history app for an art gallery.
The app provides not only text with descriptions of pictures, but also sound accompaniment.
Voice search is available.
Icons in the bottom menu bar have been used for intuitive orientation.
The app gives users the feeling that Art history is reallythinking about how to meet their needs.What I learned:While developing the Art History app, I learned that the first ideas for the app are just the beginning of the process.
One quote from peer feedback:
"I really like the idea of such a filter so you can sort artists and styles by era."
Peer feedback influenced every iterationon each iteration of the app's design.
Conduct another round ofusability studies to validatewhether the pain pointsusers experienced havebeen effectively addressed.
Conduct more userresearch to determine anynew areas of need.